About VinceArter.com

Sketch of my face.

VinceArter.com has been my main, personal landing page for many years now. Arter.US is our family, personal landing page.

History: I’ve had this site running since ~1996 (in one form or the other). The site was originally called DaDen.com. Shortly after that, I succumbed to the trend to have my name as my domain. I sold DaDen.com a few years after that. I have many other domains, including: Arter.US, ArterFamily.com, Protoduction.com [Protoduction.com has now been sold as well], and a few others for specific projects.

Purpose: In the past, the site has been a sharing point for students who took technology and programming classes I taught at St. Louis County Community College. It has been a point for sharing ideas with friends, colleagues, and community developers. It has been a place to share pictures and music I’ve written. It has been a place to share code. Currently, it is more informational than cooperative sharing.

Technology: Over the years it has been implemented using quite a few different technology approaches to its layout and code. Around mid-2022 I rebuilt the previous HTLM5/CSS/JavaScript site with a more dynamic implementation using Jekyll, Liquid Layout, and Markdown (I ❤️ Markdown). I may eventually convert my legacy Medium blog to Markdown here at some point… maybe.

Other things you may see on the site:

  • Visual art: mainly cool AI art projects I’ve done.
  • Music: Just stuff I play around with in my home studio.
  • Development: Ideas and projects I am working on.
  • Thoughts: On my personal study of music, computer science, philosophy, religion, etc.
  • And other things I haven’t thought of yet.

Thank you for stopping by, and please come back for more content in the coming months.

Vince Arter, Jr. - Updated: 22-May-2024 (Original About post circa 2007)
