About VinceArter.com

facesketch.jpgVinceArter.com has been my main, personal landing page for many years now. Arter.US is our family, personal landing page.

History: I’ve had this site running since ~1996 (in one form or the other). The site was originally called DaDen.com. Shortly after that, I succumbed to the trend to have my name as my domain. I sold DaDen.com a few years after that. I have many other domains, including: Arter.US, ArterFamily.com, Protoduction.com [Protoduction.com has now been sold as well], and a few others for specific projects.

Purpose: In the past, the site has been a sharing point for students who took technology and programming classes I taught at St. Louis County Community College. It has been a point for sharing ideas with friends, colleagues, and community developers. It has been a place to share pictures and music I’ve written. It has been a place to share code. Currently, it is more informational than cooperative sharing.

Technology: Over the years it has been implemented using quite a few different technology approaches to its layout and code. Around mid-2022 I rebuilt the previous HTLM5/CSS/JavaScript site with a more dynamic implementation using Jekyll, Liquid Layout, and Markdown (I ❤️ Markdown).

But then... in September 2024 I started to move the site to a Content Management System (CMS). With other personal development projects and work schedules I just don't have time to maintain the framework-based site any longer. I've tried dozens of CMSs (including flat file, database driven, and others). So far, Concrete has been the best fit as it supports a framework I prefer (Bootstrap), is easy to use, and seem to just work. That will save me time maintaining my site and allow me to focus on other projects outside of work.

Other things you may see on the site:

  • Visual art: mainly cool AI art projects I’ve done.
  • Music: Just stuff I play around with in my home studio.
  • Development: Ideas and projects I am working on.
  • Thoughts: On my personal study of music, computer science, philosophy, religion, etc.
  • And other things I haven’t thought of yet.

Thank you for stopping by, and please come back for more content in the coming months.

Vince Arter, Jr. - Updated: 26-Sep-2024 (Original About post circa 2007)


Resume / CV

Click here to view Vince’s CV / Resume

My Twitter Medium Blog

If you are looking for my legacy blog, click here to go to my Twitter Medium page.